
ABSTRACT : Online learning is the indispensable option amidts COVID-19 ( Corona V irus D isease -2019 ) pandemi c , which infects people around the world. Like or dislike the advanced of technology or the use of interactive communication technology in teaching learning process is at staked, for the sake of education. All schools around the world have implemented this online learning activity and intends for the success in teaching learning. Some learning strategies have been implementing to arouse students learning interaction which effect to their academic performance. In this inquiry , I investigate that online class discussion is the learning strategy recommended and implemented and the social presence interaction in this inquiry of English subject at STMIK (College of Informatics and Computer Management) Pontianak class in West Kalimantan, Indonesia . Qualitative and quantitative methods are used in this study. Questionaire then simple regression SPSS ( Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ) statistical program is applied to figure out the significant academic performance obtained. Definitely, online class discussion and social presence are valuable learning strategies which boost learners’s academic attainment. The continous and longer allocated time of online class discussion in learning English is recommended for the significant learning outcomes. Having online class discussion may drive social presence of interactions between the participants. Further studies concerning online discussion and social presence is recommended also to be learned for the good of learning . KEY WORDS: Online L earning; I nteractive C ommunication T echnology; L earning S trategy; O nline C lass D iscussion; S ocial P resence . About the Author: Susanti, M.Pd. is a Lecturer of Information System Program at the STMIK ( Sekolah Tinggi Management Informatika dan Komputer or College of Informatics and Computer Management) Pontianak, Jalan Merdeka Barat No.372 Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. E-mail address: santy.mayfoura@gmail.com Suggested Citation: Susanti. (2021). “Online Class Discussion and Social Presence to Boost Academic Performance of English Subject Amid COVID-19 Outbreak” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies , Volume 14(1), August, pp.35-48. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online). Article Timeline: Accepted (June 28, 2021); Revised (July 27, 2021); and Published (August 30, 2021).

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