
The Internet is enabling new forms of commerce and novel markets. One example is the secondary computer market, facilitating exchange between quality sensitive sellers, oftentimes businesses, and price sensitive buyers. As this market does not have a viable physical counterpart with reference prices, it is developing via online auctions. One question of interest in the evolution of this market is the determinants of prices. Using a dataset of 2,000 laptop auctions in a seven-month period, this research provides support for accepted auction theory while raising questions that deserve further explanation. The negative relationship between supply and auction price supports standard supply and demand theory, while higher prices for better features is consistent with vertical differentiation. Even within accepted theory this research broadens the understanding of auction behavior. There is clear support for the "price decline anomaly" where prices in sequential auctions decline, violating the "law of one price." One result that deserves further attention is that midweek auctions realize higher prices. A second is that price changes over time are not monotonic. Future research should replicate and explain these results, as well as extend them to other auction settings. As the secondary computer market evolves it will impact the primary computer market.

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