
Bubil is one of the materials needed for porang plant propagation. Bubil is a vegetative propagation material that is found on each meeting of the stem and takes three to four months to germinate. The length of time for bubil germination is often a problem in the cultivation of porang plants. One of the efforts made to speed up germination time is to use growth regulator treatments. The purpose of this study is to determine the best duration for the soaking of shallot extract on the germination of the bubil porang plant. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of four treatments and three replications. The treatments used were B0 = 1 hour, B1 = 2 hours, B2 = 3 hours, and B3 = 4 hours. The research data were analyzed using the Anova table, if the F count is greater than the F table of 5%, then a further test is carried out with the Tukey test at a 5% significance level. The observed variables were the time of the emergence of plumules, the height of the seedlings, the number of leaf blades, and the width of the leaf blades. The results of the analysis of the Anova table showed that the duration of soaking the onion extract on the germination of the Bubil porang plants showed significantly different results with respect to the time of the emergence of plumules and plant height, but not significantly different to the number of leaves and leaf width. Out of the four treatments used, a soaking time of 4 hours gave the best results on the time of emergence of plumules (77 days after sowing) and the height of the seedlings (23.50 cm).

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