
Peptide dissociation behavior in TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl)-based FRIPS (free radical initiated peptide sequencing) mass spectrometry was analyzed in both positive- and negative-ion modes for a number of peptides including angiotensin II, kinetensin, glycoprotein IIb fragment (296-306), des-Pro(2)-bradykinin, and ubiquitin tryptic fragment (43-48). In the positive mode, the ·Bz-C(O)-peptide radical species was produced exclusively at the initial collisional activation of o-TEMPO-Bz-C(O)-peptides, and two consecutive applications of collisional activation were needed to observe peptide backbone fragments. In contrast, in the negative-ion mode, a single application of collisional activation to o-TEMPO-Bz-C(O)-peptides produced extensive peptide backbone fragmentations as well as ·Bz-C(O)-peptide radical species. This result indicates that the duty cycle in the TEMPO-based FRIPS mass spectrometry can be reduced by one-half in the negative-ion mode. In addition, the fragment ions observed in the negative-ion experiments were mainly of the a-, c-, x-, and z-types, indicating that radical-driven tandem mass spectrometry was mainly responsible for the TEMPO-based FRIPS even with a single application of collisional activation. Furthermore, the survival fraction analysis of o-TEMPO-Bz-C(O)-peptides was made as a function of the applied normalized collision energy (NCE). This helped us to better understand the differences in FRIPS behavior between the positive- and negative-ion modes in terms of dissociation energetics. The duty-cycle improvement made in the present study provides a cornerstone for future research aiming to achieve a single-step FRIPS in the positive-ion mode.

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