
A one-sided programming model separates communication from synchronization, and is the driving principle behind partitioned global address space (PGAS) libraries such as Global Arrays (GA) and SHMEM. PGAS models expose a rich set of functionality that a developer needs in order to implement mathematical algorithms that require frequent multidimensional array accesses. However, use of existing PGAS libraries in application codes often requires significant development effort in order to fully exploit these programming models. On the other hand, a vast majority of scientific codes use MPI either directly or indirectly via third-party scientific computation libraries, and need features to support application-specific communication requirements (e.g., asynchronous update of distributed sparse matrices, commonly arising in machine learning workloads). For such codes it is often impractical to completely shift programming models in favor of special one-sided communication middleware. Instead, an elegant and productive solution is to exploit the one-sided functionality already offered by MPI-3 RMA (Remote Memory Access). We designed a general one-sided interface using the MPI-3 passive RMA model for remote matrix operations in the linear algebra library Elemental, we call the interface we designed RMAInterface. Elemental is an open source library for distributed-memory dense and sparse linear algebra and optimization. We employ RMAInterface to construct a Global Arrays-like API and demonstrate its performance scalability and competitivity with that of the existing GA (with ARMCI-MPI) for a quantum chemistry application.

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