
Severe climate changes culminating in at least three major glacial events have been recognized in the Neoproterozoic sedimentary record from many parts of the world. Supportive to the global nature of these climatic shifts, a considerable amount of data have been acquired from deposits exposed in Pan-African orogenic belts in southwestern and western Africa. By comparison, published data from the Pan-African belts in Central Africa are scarce. We report here evidence of possibly two glacial events recorded in the Mintom Formation that is located on the margin of the Pan-African orogenic Yaoundé belt in South-East Cameroon. In the absence of reliable radiometric data, only maximum and minimum age limits of 640 and 580 Ma, respectively, can at present be applied to the Mintom Formation. The formation consists of two lithostratigraphic ensembles, each subdivided in two members (i.e., in ascending stratigraphic order the Kol, Métou, Momibolé, and Atog Adjap Members). The basal ensemble exhibits a typical glacial to post-glacial succession. It includes diamictites comprising cobbles and boulders in a massive argillaceous siltstone matrix, and laminated siltstones followed by, in sharp contact, a 2 m-thick massive dolostone that yielded negative δ 13C values (<−3‰ V-PDB) similar to those reported for Marinoan cap carbonates elsewhere. However, uncertainty remains regarding the glacial influence on the siliciclastic facies because the diamictite is better explained as a mass-flow deposit, and diagnostic features such as dropstones have not been seen in the overlying siltstones. The Mintom Formation may thus provide an example of an unusual succession of non-glacial diamictite overlain by a truly glacial melt-related cap-carbonate. We also report the recent discovery of ice-striated pavements on the structural surface cut in the Mintom Formation, suggesting that glaciers developed after the latter had been deposited and deformed during the Pan-African orogeny. Striations, which consistently exhibit two principal orientations (N60 and N110), were identified in two different localities, in the west of the study area on siltstones of the Kol Member, and in the east on limestones of the Atog Adjap Member, respectively. N60-oriented striae indicate ice flow towards the WSW. Assigning an age to these features remains problematical because they were not found associated with glaciogenic deposits. Two hypotheses can equally be envisaged, i.e., either the striated surfaces are correlated: (1) to the Gaskiers (or Neoproterozoic post-Gaskiers) glaciation and represent the youngest Ediacaran glacial event documented in the southern Yaoundé belt; or (2) to the Late Ordovician Hirnantian (Saharan) glaciation, thereby providing new data about Hirnantian ice flows in Central Africa.

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