
The expression of a conditioned odor preference and focal uptake of [ 14C]2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) within the olfactory bulb was assessed in neonatal rat pups that had undergone a single olfactory classical conditioning trial. At 6 days of age, rat pups were simultaneously exposed for 10 min to an odor (peppermint) and to a reinforcing tactile stimulation similar to that received from the dam. Three control groups received only the odor, only the stimulation, or neither of these stimuli. The next day, pups were either assessed for differential olfactory bulb activity using the 2-DG technique or tested for their olfactory preference behavior. Only pups that received simultaneous odor and tactile stimulation exhibited an attraction to the conditioned odor in the two-odor choice test. Furthermore, such pups had greater focal 2-DG uptake in the olfactory bulb glomeruli that were responsive to the odor than pups in all other groups. Thus, the olfactory bulb responds differentially to an odor which has acquired attractive value.

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