
We demonstrate that the output of a cosmological N-body simulation can, to remarkable accuracy, be scaled to represent the growth of large-scale structure in a cosmology with parameters similar to but different from those originally assumed. Our algorithm involves three steps: a reassignment of length, mass and velocity units, a relabelling of the time axis, and a rescaling of the amplitudes of individual large-scale fluctuation modes. We test it using two matched pairs of simulations. Within each pair, one simulation assumes parameters consistent with analyses of the first-year WMAP data. The other has lower matter and baryon densities and a 15% lower fluctuation amplitude, consistent with analyses of the three-year WMAP data. The pairs differ by a factor of a thousand in mass resolution, enabling performance tests on both linear and nonlinear scales. Our scaling reproduces the mass power spectra of the target cosmology to better than 0.5% on large scales (k < 0.1 h/Mpc) both in real and in redshift space. In particular, the BAO features of the original cosmology are removed and are correctly replaced by those of the target cosmology. Errors are still below 3% for k < 1 h/Mpc. Power spectra of the dark halo distribution are even more precisely reproduced, with errors below 1% on all scales tested. A halo-by-halo comparison shows that centre-of-mass positions and velocities are reproduced to better than 90 kpc/h and 5%, respectively. Halo masses, concentrations and spins are also reproduced at about the 10% level, although with small biases. Halo assembly histories are accurately reproduced, leading to central galaxy magnitudes with errors of about 0.25 magnitudes and a bias of about 0.13 magnitudes for a representative semi-analytic model.

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