
We study the complex scalar loop corrections to the boundary-boundary gauge two point function in pure AdS space in Poincare coordinates, in the presence of a boundary quadratic perturbation to the scalar. These perturbations correspond to double trace perturbations in the dual CFT and modify the boundary conditions of the bulk scalars in AdS. We find that, in addition to the usual UV divergences, the 1-loop calculation suffers from a divergence originating in the limit as the loop vertices approach the AdS horizon. We show that this type of divergence is independent of the boundary coupling, and making use of which we extract the finite relative variation of the imaginary part of the loop via Cutkosky rules as the boundary perturbation varies. Applying our methods to compute the effects of a time-dependent impurity to the conductivities using the replica trick in AdS/CFT, we find that generally an IR-relevant disorder reduces the conductivity and that in the extreme low frequency limit the correction due to the impurities overwhelms the planar CFT result even though it is supposedly $1/N^2$ suppressed. Comments on the effect of time-independent impurity in such a system are presented.

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