
Introduction. To the structure of the National Research Center "Institute of Beekeeping named P. I. Prokopovich” includes the department of breeding and selection of Ukrainian steppe bees, development of fodder base of beekeeping and economy, which is located in Hadyach, Poltava region. Scientists of the department carry out research work in three directions: carry out selection of bees of the Ukrainian steppe breed, in particular, now select a breed type with a high level of hygienic behavior; develop technologies to improve the fodder base of beekeeping in modern conditions; study the economic foundations of rational beekeeping, etc. The department is the successor of the Ukrainian Research Station of Beekeeping named after P. I. Prokopovich, which was established a hundred years ago. Scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of science, which provides scientific and methodological support to the beekeeping industry.The goal of the work. To supplement the historical information on the establishment and scientific achievements of the Ukrainian Beekeeping Research Station, and later - the department of the Institute of Beekeeping, established on the basis of this station. Materials and methods of research. The basis of this study is the scientific literature on the topic of the article, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. In the process of research used methods: historical-comparative, analytical-synthetic, as well as the method of source analysis. Research results. Based on the literature sources and archival data stored in the department, the main directions of scientific research and practical results of scientific research carried out by scientists of the department in recent decades are highlighted. Conclusions. The main areas of research since its inception: improving the breeding and productive qualities of domestic breeds of bees; raising the technological level and ensuring high quality beekeeping products; development of organic production; improvement of methods of using bees for pollination of entomophilous agricultural plants and enrichment of fodder base of beekeeping. Currently, research focuses on: the restoration of aboriginal types of bees; enrichment of fodder base for beekeeping; molecular genetic analysis of aboriginal and newly created types of Ukrainian steppe bees with improved hygienic behavior and increased productivity; improving the fodder base for beekeeping using not only traditional but also introduced entomophytic crops in nectar-pollen conveyors.

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