
THREE FUNCTIONS Jupiter directs the kings and the priests; Mars commands the armies; Quirinus presides over the work of producers, planting seasons, vintages, and harvests, and he organizes the flow of commerce. These three gods with Latin names, but with precise equivalents among the Hindus, Iranians, Celts, Irish, Gauls . . . of Indo-European cultures, symbolize, according to Georges Dumezil, three social functions: the sacred, war, and fortune. That trilogy analyzes, clarifies, and describes, without trying to explain, the ordinary functioning of our societies from the most remotely archaic, prior to classical Athens and Rome, to the most recent. For the Middle Ages, as well as the States General on the eve of the French Revolution, according to Georges Duby, parceled out our communities in exactly the same way: clergy, aristocracy, the third state. A lack of variance to be admired.

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