
Extensive efforts have been undertaken to combine superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect so that Cooper-pair transport between superconducting electrodes in Josephson junctions is mediated by one-dimensional edge states1-6. This interest has been motivated by prospects of finding new physics, including topologically protected quasiparticles7-9, but also extends into metrology and device applications10-13. So far it has proven challenging to achieve detectable supercurrents through quantum Hall conductors2,3,6. Here we show that domain walls in minimally twisted bilayer graphene14-18 support exceptionally robust proximity superconductivity in the quantum Hall regime, allowing Josephson junctions to operate in fields close to the upper critical field of superconducting electrodes. The critical current is found to be non-oscillatory and practically unchanging over the entire range of quantizing fields, with its value being limited by the quantum conductance of ballistic, strictly one-dimensional, electronic channels residing within the domain walls. The system described is unique in its ability to support Andreev bound states at quantizingfields and offers many interesting directions for further exploration.

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