
Many water-anion complexes of the form X-·(H2O), where X- is a polyatomic anion, display a peak progression in the OH stretch region of the vibrational spectra with spacings of 65-85 cm-1. These progressions result from strong anharmonic coupling between the OH stretch and a low-frequency intermolecular rock vibration. In this study, we calculate these progressions in HCO2-·(H2O), NO3-·(H2O), and CS2-·(H2O) by use of a one-dimensional adiabatic model with rock potentials generated from ab initio energies and frequencies. The importance of using a geometry-dependent reduced mass in calculating the peak spacings is demonstrated. We find that the one-dimensional adiabatic model is more successful in predicting peak spacings in the spectrum of HCO2-·(H2O) than for NO3-·(H2O), for which the rock vibration is highly anharmonic.

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