
Employee attrition, also referred to as the loss of personnel over time in a business, occurs for a variety of inescapable reasons. The attrition percentage in 2022 will be 20.3%, according to the latest statistics from India. Employee attrition is a significant problem that can cause severe losses to organizations. In recent years, machine learning has emerged as a powerful tool to address this challenge by predicting employees who may leave the organization. However, the accurate prediction of employee attrition faces various challenges, including dealing with imbalanced datasets, identifying the most critical predictors, and selecting the most appropriate machine learning algorithms. In this study, the proposed solution employs a combination of data preprocessing techniques and machine learning algorithms to predict employee attrition. Our solution includes a visual representation of employee attrition, a parser to extract information from resumes, a test to assess the suitability of potential candidates and AI candidate recommendation. Evaluate the proposed solution using the Employee Attrition dataset and achieve promising results. Our solution can serve as a useful tool for HR managers to predict and visualize employee attrition trends and hire the right candidates for upcoming vacancies.

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