
Oncogenes involved in the development of hematological malignancies were first discovered through the study of experimental leukemias induced in animals by retroviruses. The discovery that some of these genes were located at the breakpoints of chromosome rearrangements in human malignancies, such as the MYC gene in Burkitt's lymphoma and the ABL gene in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has suggested that chromosome abnormalities were causally implicated in the pathogenesis of human diseases. Numerous nonrandom somatically acquired chromosomal translocations or inversions have been identified in human leukemias. The molecular cloning of the genes located at the breakpoints of these rearrangements allowed to identify more than 100 new oncogenes, the products of which affect normal programs of cell proliferation, differentiation and survival. Chromosome translocations can lead to the deregulated expression of a normal gene product, but in most cases of leukemia, chromosome rearrangements result in the expression of a chimeric fusion protein. Oncogene products associated with acute leukemias are often transcription factors while tyrosine kinases and antiapoptotic proteins are more commonly activated or overexpressed in chronic leukemias and in lymphomas. Recent data indicated that gene rearrangements were not the sole gene alterations occurring in human leukemia since point mutations could also affect the function of transcription factors playing a key role in hematopoiesis such as C/EBP alpha, GATA1 and AML1. But the most exciting finding was the discovery of activating point mutations in tyrosine kinase receptors such as FLT3 and c-KIT in acute leukemia. Treatment of leukemia could therefore benefit from new therapeutic approaches targeting the function of specific oncogene products as already demonstrated for CML and acute promyelocytic leukemia.

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