
The question of the subject of administrative law is not new, but it has not been finally resolved, and therefore there is every reason to pay attention to the features of the norms that actually construct this branch of law. The author notes that the question of the rule of law in general and the rule of administrative law, in particular, is quite conservative, today it is no longer possible to formulate a fundamentally new definition of the rule of law, despite this, there are author's definitions of this category, we also note that the question of the structure of the rule of law is also finally closed. The study of the problem of the norms of administrative law can make it possible to develop criteria for the classification of these norms, formulate proposals on the effectiveness of their implementation, and also reconsider the question of their systematization. The author notes that the complexity of the subject of administrative law, the variety of directions of administrative and legal regulation, objectively determines the existence of various norms. The paper presents some classification criteria of these norms, which may reflect the essence and their specifics. The author also draws attention to the fact that the doctrine has sufficiently developed the question of the structure of the rule of administrative law, as well as the forms of their implementation. Structurally, the norm of administrative law consists of a hypothesis, disposition and sanction. All three of these elements of the rule of administrative law in their entirety form it. The presence of three elements at once in the regulatory prescription does not occur, often the sanction is taken out of the regulatory norm of administrative law and is contained in another law. The forms of implementation of the norms of administrative law are quite archaic, the norm is implemented in compliance, execution, use and application.

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