
Weyl (Zur Infinitisimalgeometrie: Einordnung der projektiven und der konformen Auffasung, Nachrichten von der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Göttingen, 1921) demonstrated that for a connected manifold of dimension greater than 1, if two Riemannian metrics are conformal and have the same geodesics up to a reparametrization, then one metric is a constant scaling of the other one. In the present paper we investigate the analogous property for sub-Riemannian metrics. In particular, we prove that the analogous statement, called the Weyl rigidity, holds either in real analytic category for all sub-Riemannian metrics on distributions with a specific property of their complex abnormal extremals, called minimal order, or in smooth category for all distributions such that all complex abnormal extremals of their nilpotent approximations are of minimal order. This also shows, in real analytic category, the genericity of distributions for which all sub-Riemannian metrics are Weyl rigid and genericity of Weyl rigid sub-Riemannian metrics on a given bracket generating distributions. Finally, this allows us to get analogous genericity results for projective rigidity of sub-Riemannian metrics, i.e., when the only sub-Riemannian metric having the same sub-Riemannian geodesics, up to a reparametrization, with a given one, is a constant scaling of this given one. This is the improvement of our results on the genericity of weaker rigidity properties proved in recent paper (Jean et al. in Geom Dedic 203(1):279–319, 2019).

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