
We show that the spatial Lq-norm (q > 5/3) of the vorticity of an incompressible viscous fluid in ℝ3 remains bounded uniformly in time, provided that the direction of vorticity is Holder continuous in space, and that the space-time Lq-norm of vorticity is finite. The Holder index depends only on q. This serves as a variant of the classical result by Constantin-Fefferman (Direction of vorticity and the problem of global regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations, Indiana Univ. J. Math. 42 (1993), 775–789), and the related work by Grujic-Ruzmaikina (Interpolation between algebraic and geometric conditions for smoothness of the vorticity in the 3D NSE, Indiana Univ. J. Math. 53 (2004), 1073–1080).

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