
We consider the asymptotic behavior of the vibration of a body occupying a region Ω⊂ℝ3. The density, which depends on a small parameter ε, is of order O(1) out of certain regions where it is O(ε–m) with m>2. These regions, the concentrated masses with diameter O(ε), are located near the boundary, at mutual distances O(η), with η=η(ε)→0. We impose Dirichlet (respectively Neumann) conditions at the points of ∂Ω in contact with (respectively, out of) the masses. For the critical size ε=O(η2), the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues of order O(εm−2) is described via a Steklov problem, where the ‘mass’ is localized on the boundary, or through the eigenvalues of a local problem obtained from the micro-structure of the problem. We use the techniques of the formal asymptotic analysis in homogenization to determine both problems. We also use techniques of convergence in homogenization, Semigroups theory, Fourier and Laplace transforms and boundary values of analytic functions to prove spectral convergence. In the same framework we study the case m=2 as well as the case when other boundary conditions are imposed on ∂Ω.

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