
Keyword: Enterprise culture transfer, space strategy, value, and ecological effect. Abstract: Selection effect of the strategy development space of private enterprises usually is depending on application to strategy and pattern of its cultural background. Social awareness and effect value of enterprise culture transfer lies on survival sense of its space transfer strategy, and the selection of self strategy space not only is the requirement of its own development, but also should put into the consideration of the intervening or encounter and even traction or implantation of business management and operational behavior, and impact on regional social economy and culture and social economic and cultural construction. The relationship between Cultural background and reality reform can be integrated into regional society culture, and it can form the strategic culture thinking and ideas of the enterprise independent operation and management behavior, and then an enterprise development environment can be formed. More than 30 years' reform and opening up has produced Zhejiang entrepreneur that is always recognized as a group that is the most active and very good at grasping market opportunity in market economy. Its biggest characteristic is able to comply with the law of market development and changes, and the expansion and changes of government's adjustment for industry plan, search for chance for growth of enterprise strategy through design of suitable development mode. Strategy is life of enterprise, culture is the nucleus of enterprise life, while the enterprise culture that is easy to melt with social culture has determined the survival value of enterprise strategy. It cannot be difficult to find its excellency of success if we reasonably inspect the economic phenomena of trans-regional transfer of private enterprises in Zhejiang. Therefore, we should firstly study the soul value and sense of enterprise culture during the process of enterprise transfer and development when we study the enterprise transfer strategy's value and sense of development. 1.1 The inertia value of enterprise culture transfer At present, the private enterprise transfer of Zhejiang has shown changes from individual transfer to industrial group transfer. As the cross-regional transfer of enterprises search for expansion of strategic space, the demand on expansion of enterprise culture will have to clash and conflict with the social traditional culture of the transfer destination. The basic property of culture has taken on a formulary of thought and behavior of regional group, when the action of enterprise transfer has effect on the ecology of the original place's social culture, it still affects more on the behavioral value of the ecological culture of the destination. Based on the accumulation during the growth process of enterprise, its culture has formed belief in enterprise strategy that will become the code of conduct for staffs' behavioral method, while all of these will make enterprise develop based on the respect for the social, environment and culture of the transfer destination. After the enterprise is successful in transfer, the value property of social environment culture is highlighted in the process of integration of industry value chain, while the advanced culture and new value concept of enterprise in transfer bring changes in the destination's life and economy, it also brings impacts on its habit and life style. Therefore, enterprises must search to melt with the destinations' culture, led by the enterprise culture, actively communicate and coordinate with local culture, thus establish a long-term relationship of trust based on the cultural identity gradually, in order to construct new regional culture while affecting the local culture by the demonstrative effect of enterprise culture.

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