
Models, created using different modeling techniques, usually serve different purposes and provide unique insights. While each modeling technique might be capable of answering specific questions, complex problems require multiple models interoperating to complement/supplement each other; we call this Multi-Modeling. This Multi- Modeling approach for solving complex problems is full of syntactic and semantic challenges. In this paper, a systematic methodology for addressing Multi-Modeling problems is presented. The approach is domain specific: Identification of the domain and the supporting modeling techniques is the first step. Then a new Domain Specific Multi-Modeling Workflow Language supported with a Domain Ontology is used to construct the workflow that defines the interoperation of the selected models. The Domain Ontology provides semantic guidance to effect valid model interoperation. The approach is illustrated using a case study from the Drug Interdiction and Intelligence domain. The Joint Inter-Agency Task Force (JIATF) -South, an agency well known for interagency cooperation and intelligence fusion, receives huge amounts of disparate data regarding drug smuggling efforts. Analysis of such data using various modeling techniques is essential in identifying best Courses of Action (COAs). The proposed methodology is illustrated by creating workflows of model interoperations involving Social Networks, Timed Influence Nets, Organization Structures and Geospatial models.

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