
One of the standard goals of in nite-dimensional topology is the topological classi cation of linear metric spaces and their convex subsets. The origins of this problem go back to the questions of Fr echet [Fr] and Banach [Ba] whether all in nite-dimensional separable Fr echet (Banach) spaces are homeomorphic (we explain our terminology at the end of the introduction). These questions have been a rmatively answered by the combined results of Anderson and Kadec (see [BP]) which may be stated as follows: every separable Fr echet space is homeomorphic to a Hilbert space. This result was generalized by Toru nczyk [To] for the nonseparable case. Since then the main interest in the eld has turned to topological classi cation of incomplete or nonlocally convex linear metric spaces. Quite recently, Cauty [Ca2] has constructed an example of a separable linear complete metric space X which is not an AR. In particular, X is not homeomorphic to any convex subset of a locally convex linear metric space. The topological classi cation of incomplete locally convex metric linear spaces, or even incomplete pre-Hilbert spaces, is much more complex than for the complete ones. First, there exist pre-Hilbert spaces of an arbitrary Borel class. Moreover, the Borel type invariant does not classify such spaces, and in the class of -compact spaces there exist uncountably many pairwise nonhomeomorphic such spaces [BP], [Ca1]. Until recently, there was hope that, in spite of these di culties, the classi cation problem could be restricted to subspaces of Hilbert spaces. The result of Bessaga and Dobrowolski [BD] stating that every locally convex linear -compact metric space is homeomorphic to a pre-Hilbert space looked like a promising rst step. The main objective of this paper is to show that, in general, it is not possible to restrict ones attention to subspaces of Hilbert spaces only. We show that the classes of pre-Hilbert,

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