
A monoid is called special if it admits a presentation in which all defining relations are of the form w = 1. Every group is special, but not every monoid is special. In this article, we describe the language-theoretic properties of the word problem, in the sense of Duncan and Gilman, for special monoids in terms of their group of units. We prove that a special monoid has context-free word problem if and only if its group of units is virtually free, giving a full generalisation of the Muller-Schupp theorem. This fully answers, for the class of special monoids, a question posed by Duncan and Gilman (Math Proc Camb Philos Soc 136:513–524, 2004). We describe the congruence classes of words in a special monoid, and prove that these have the same language-theoretic properties as the word problem. This answers a question first posed by Zhang (Math Proc Camb Philos Soc 112:495–505, 1992). As a corollary, we prove that it is decidable (in polynomial time) whether a special one-relation monoid has context-free word problem. This completely answers another question from 1992, also posed by Zhang.

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