
The priority national interest of Ukraine in the field of foreign policy is the development and further deepening of relations between Ukraine's strategic partnership with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The article gives a brief overview of the history of the formation and expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance as an international intergovernmental organization and military and political alliance, showing the main milestones of Ukraine's long journey towards NATO membership. NATO-Ukraine relations have two main dimensions: political dialogue and practical cooperation. Ukraine's political dialogue with the Alliance is ensured through bilateral contacts at all levels, including the interparliamentary dimension. NATO and its Member States continue to receive logistical, advisory and training assistance to the Ukrainian security and defense sector. The author draws attention to the most urgent security problems of Europe and Ukraine, as well as highlights the latest challenges to the World Order. For Ukraine, strategic partnership with NATO is an integral part of the European integration course, as it complements the process of internal transformation in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states, and their member states. . NATO-Ukraine relations have been developing ever since Ukraine gained independence in 1991.Given Ukraine's strategic position as a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe, NATO-Ukraine relations are central to building peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region. NATO and Ukraine are actively involved in international peacekeeping operations and in addressing common security concerns. Over time, certain trends of dialogue and practical cooperation on a wide range of other issues were identified. A key aspect of the partnership was support for the Alliance and individual NATO member countries in their reform efforts, which have been further fueled by the dramatic events of the 2004 Orange Revolution and remain critical to meeting Ukraine's aspirations to integrate into Euro-Atlantic structures. Key words: NATO, alliance, permanent membership, summit, declaration, security, challenge, problems, military, aggression, hybrid war, politics, experience, forecasting, realization, solution.

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