
Various reasons exist why certain types of information is deemed personal both by legislation and society. While crimes such as identity theft and impersonation have always been in existence, the rise of the internet and social media has exacerbated the problem. South Africa has recently joined the growing ranks of countries passing legislation to ensure the privacy of certain types of data. As is the case with most implemented security enforcement systems, most appointed privacy regulators operate in a reactive way. While this is a completely acceptable method of operation, it is not the most efficient. Research has shown that most data leaks containing personal information remains available for more than a month on average before being detected and reported. Quite often the data is discovered by a third party who selects to notify the responsible organisation but can just as easily copy the data and make use of it. This paper will display the potential benefit a privacy regulator can expect to see by implementing pro-active detection of electronic personally identifiable information (PII). Adopting pro-active detection of PII exposed on public networks can potentially contribute to a significant reduction in exposure time. The results discussed in this paper were obtained by means of experimentation on a custom created PII detection system.

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