
Research subject. The geological structure and evolution of the Earth’s continents.Methods. This article is based on a long-term study and review of geological, geophysical and bathymetric published data, as well as on an analysis of the major geological discoveries of the 20th century.Results and conclusions. It is established that all the continents on the Earth, except for Antarctica, constitute a single Northen megamaterik, which was being formed during a prolonged period of time (4.4 billion years) in a deep three-beam cavity on the surface of the peridotite mantle. The ancient Hadean– Archean basement of the megacontinent was being formed during the period of 3 billion years, which comprises about 70% of the Earth’s geological history. In the Late Proterozoic and Phanerozoic, periodically formed local depressions were flooded with sedimentary material leading to the formation of sedimentary basins and folded rock structures. As a result, the thickness of the megacontinent’s crust steadily increased reaching a large size of 15–40 or 60–70 km. During this period, the primary oceanic (peridotite) crust with a thickness of 3–5 km remained unchanged until the Mesozoic–Cenozoic, when it was covered with a layer of younger basalts and loose rock sediments with a thickness of 1–2 km.


  • This article is based on a long-term study and review of geological, geophysical and bathymetric published data, as well as on an analysis of the major geological discoveries of the 20th century

  • It is established that all the continents on the Earth, except for Antarctica, constitute a single Northen megamaterik, which was being formed during a prolonged period of time (4.4 billion years) in a deep three-beam cavity on the surface of the peridotite mantle

  • The ancient Hadean– Archean basement of the megacontinent was being formed during the period of 3 billion years, which comprises about 70% of the Earth’s geological history

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Земная кора нашей планеты сложена главным образом симатической (серпентинперидотитовой), первичной, катархейской корой, прикрытой сверху, в океанах, покровом молодых мел-кайнозойских базальтов. 2. Геолого-геофизический разрез Земли по экватору, по (Деменицкая, 1975) с дополнением (Белоусов, 1989; Жирнов, 2015б; Zhirnov, 2015). 5. Геолого-геофизический разрез земной коры по линии Сихоте-Алинь–о-в Хонсю–Тихий океан (Филатьев, 2005; Zhirnov, 2014а). 1 – морская вода, 2 – складчатые толщи различного возраста, 3 – гранито-гнейсовый слой, 4 – гранулито-базитовый слой, 5 – базальтовый слой океанической коры, 6 – серпентин-перидотитовый слой океанической коры, 7 – разломы, 8 – разуплотненная мантия, 9 – блок земной коры близ глубоководного желоба с повышенной концентрацией гипоцентров землетрясений, 10 – значения скорости продольных сейсмических волн. Фанерозое происходили циклические опускания и поднятия отдельных блоков фундамента и наращивалась в вертикальном разрезе складчатая и чехольная кора осадочного слоя земной коры

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