
A RAPID, simple, uniformly successful staining method is certainly desirable. Where large numbers of slides must be made-for example, in the case of student loan collections, for large biopsy services, or in the case of laboratories that employ but a single technician-the time spent in staining slides is an important factor. We have tried several rapid staining methods and have found that a modification of a method introduced by Ziegler1 has produced outstanding results. A wide variety of tissues were stained with quite uniform success. There is good contrast betweeri the bluish purple shades and the pink counterstain. No difference in fastness was observed when compared with other hematoxylin and eosin techniques, and there appeared to be no difference in fading when comparable sections were placed on a window ledge in open sunlight for about four months. Best results were obtained when a 10 per cent formalin solution was used a,s a fixative. Zenker’s fixative gives slightly less impressive staining, but this may be overcome by staining in the hematoxylin for two or three more minutes. Acid fixatives do not give good results unless the tissue is washed most thoroughly before embedding. Modified Technique

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