
A series of studies has been carried out for several years in Prof. Okamoto's laboratory on the morphological and pathophysiological changes occuring in the offspring of rabbits born of ancestors either fed with thyradin or thyroidectomized for several successive generations. These are the conclusions : The offspring of rabbits descended from ancestors fed with thyradin for successive generations showed a picture of thyroid hyperfunction which has been aggravated as the generation went down from F1, to F6. Hyperthyroidism was present especially in F5 and F6 rabbits. On the other hand in the offspring of rabbits born of ancestors which had been thyroidectomized, the function of the thyroid gland decreased progressively as the generation went down from F1 to F4.The author of this paper studied the urinary output of 17-KS, fractions of 17-KS, 17-OHCS, uropepsin and gonadotrophin, of the rabbits mentioned above. The results obtained by comparing these rabbits with normal control rabbits and rabbits fed with thyradin or thyroidectomized are in summary as follows : (1) The offspring of rabbits born of ancestors fed with thyradin for successive generations showed an increase in the amount of urinary 17-KS, fractions of 17-KS (VI, VII), 17-OHCS, uropepsin and gonadotrophin. Especially F5 and F6 rabbits showed an extreme increase in the amount of urinary steroids and gonadotrophin from the weaning period.(2) The rabbits fed with thyradin showed an increase in the amount of urinary 17-KS, fractions of 17-KS (III, VI, VII), 17-OHCS, uropepsin and gonadotrophin at first, but dropped to subnormal output. That is, rabbits fed with thyradin differ from rabbits born of ancestors themselves fed with thyradin in the urinary output patterns of steroids and gonadotrophin.(3) The offspring of rabbits born of ancestors thyroidectomized for several successive generations showed a decrease in the amount of urinary 17-KS, fractions of 17-KS (VI, VII), 17-OHCS, uropepsin and gonadotrophin.(4) The thyroidectomized rabbits showed a decrease in the amount of 17-KS, fractions of 17-KS, (II, III, VI, VII), 17-OHCS, uropepsin and gonadotrophin.The above mentioded results of the measurement of urinary steroids and gonadotrophin lead us to infer that there is some difference in the function of the adrenal cortex and the urinary output of pituitary gonadotrophin between the offspring of rabbits descended from thyroidectomized and rabbits themselve thyroidectomized.

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