
The characteristic ratio C ∞ = 〈 r 2〉 o /nl 2 and its temperature coefficient dlnC ∞/dT for synthetic polyisoprenes with high cis 1,4 and trans 1,4 contents have been determined by various experimental methods, involving viscometric determinations. The θ-solvent dioxane at 31.2°C and benzene at temperatures in the range 25–45°C have been used with the cis isomer. Thermodynamic quantities required for the analysis in benzene, such as the reduced residual chemical potential χ and its temperature coefficient d χ /d T, have been taken from the rigorous work of Eichinger and Flory, in which the equation-of-state theory was introduced. A large error has been found in the determination of the temperature coefficient in benzene, arising from the small values for ( 1 2 − χ ) and d χ /d T. Selected θ-mixtures, toluene/ n-propanol at various temperatures, have been employed with trans polyisoprene. Experimental values have been compared with those obtained from theoretical calculations carried out by authors since Mark in 1964. Reasonable agreement was found, especially for the trans isomer.

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