
The goal of this paper is to prove the existence and uniqueness of the so-called energy minimisers in homotopy classes for the variational energy integralF[u;X]=∫XF(|x|2,|u|2)|∇u|2/2dx, with F≥c>0 of class C2 and satisfying suitable conditions and u lying in the Sobolev space of weakly differentiable incompressible mappings of a finite open symmetric plane annulus X onto itself, specifically, lying in A(X)={u∈W1,2(X,R2):det⁡∇u=1a.e.in X, and u≡x on ∂X}. It is well known that the space A(X) admits a countably infinite homotopy class decomposition A(X)=⋃Ak (with k∈Z). We prove that the energy integral F has a unique minimiser in each of these homotopy classes Ak. Furthermore we show that each minimiser is a homeomorphic, monotone, radially symmetric twist mapping of class C3(X‾,X‾) or as smooth as F allows thereafter whilst also being a local minimiser of F over A(X) with respect to the L1-metric. To our best knowledge this is the first uniqueness result for minimisers in homotopy classes in the context of incompressible mappings.

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