
A description of the topology of a compact inverse Clifford semigroup S is given in terms of the topologies of its subgroups and that of the semilattice X of idempotents. It is further shown that the category of compact inverse Clifford semigroups is equivalent to a full subcategory of the category whose objects are inverse limit preserving functors $F:X \to G$, where X is a compact semilattice and G is the category of compact groups and continuous homomorphisms, and where a morphism from $F:X \to G$ to $G:Y \to G$ is a pair $(\varepsilon ,w)$ such that $\varepsilon$ is a continuous homomorphism of X into Y and w is a natural transformation from F to $G\varepsilon$. Simpler descriptions of the topology of S are given in case the topology of X is first countable and in case the bonding maps between the maximal subgroups of S are open mappings.

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