
The task of counterfl ow heating of thermally massive bodies was defi ned and solved. The mathematical model considers heating bodies of classical geometry (panel, cylinder and sphere) by radiation and convection simultaneously, as well as linearly dependent thermal characteristics from temperature. Initial equations of heat exchange were mostly realized through technological processes of metal heating in continuous furnaces of rolling manufacture. The solution of double nonlinear problem was realized by the equivalent sources method (ESM) which is an effective mathematical apparatus to solve different tasks, including applied problems of metallurgical thermal engineering. Testing of approximate analytical solution in accordance with ESM algorithm was fulfi lled for the following cases: for Kavaderov-Kalugin method (case of plate pure radiant heating) and numerical solution in accordance with the algorithm of apparent finite-difference approximation of the initial system of diff erential equations. Comparison of computational results of all methods showed a satisfactory fi t and the availability of solution in an explicit form with an opportunity to simplify it proves the advisability of its application in heating engineering calculations of metallurgical furnaces.


  • Initial equations of heat exchange were mostly realized through technological processes of metal heating in continuous furnaces of rolling manufacture

  • The solution of double nonlinear problem was realized by the equivalent sources method (ESM) which is an effective mathematical apparatus to solve different tasks, including applied problems of metallurgical thermal engineering

  • Testing of approximate analytical solution in accordance with ESM algorithm was fulfilled for the following cases: for Kavaderov-Kalugin method and numerical solution in accordance with the algorithm of apparent finite-difference approximation of the initial system of differential equations

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К ТЕОРИИ НАГРЕВА В ПРОТИВОТОКЕ ТЕРМОМАССИВНЫХ ТЕЛ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЕМ И КОНВЕКЦИЕЙ ОДНОВРЕМЕННО Решение дважды нелинейной задачи реализовано методом эквивалентных источников – эффективным математическим аппаратом при решении различных, в том числе прикладных задач металлургической теплотехники. Если использовать при этом многочисленные решения в теплотехнических расчетах металлургических печей, становится очевидным, что наиболее эффективным математическим методом для классического рассмотрения теоретического противотока являются исследования, выполненные Э.М.

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