
This thesis describes strategies to perform stray light testing in an earthbound laboratory while accounting for atmospheric and surface scattering phenomena that make these measurements difficult. We present a method to analyze and predict the stray light performance for a baffled star tracker optical system. This method involves a hybrid stray light analysis procedure that combines experimental measurements of a star tracker lens optics and uses ray-tracing to obtain attenuation curves. We demonstrate these analytical techniques using an engineering model ST-16 star tracker from Sinclair Interplanetary along with a baffle prototype. The system attenuation curve's accuracy is validated by comparing independently measured baffle attenuation curves with equivalent ray-tracing models. Additionally, exclusion angles are defined for the ST-16 sensor by calculating the false detection rate that varies with system attenuation levels. These techniques provide a versatile alternative to conventional testing for preliminary design stages for a star tracker baffle that emphasizes the use of modest infrastructure.


  • Star trackers are attitude measurement devices that measure, identify star distribution and compute an attitude using a catalogue of known stellar positions

  • Most applicable dark coatings deviate away from the Lambertian idealization. They are characterized by a property called the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) which describes the reflectance, R, of a scattering event depending on the incident light orientation and the observer orientation with respect to the interaction point[16]

  • The Moon will definitely saturate the Aptina detector on the ST-16 and our lunar exclusion angle is defined as the angle at which the Moon leaves the field of view (FOV)

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Attenuation ηq Quantum Efficiency xv m2 [-] ph/s/m2 [-] ph or [-] [-] [-] [-]/s [-] W [-] [-] W /m2/nm [-] [-] [-] [-] s ph [-] [-]. Gaussian Standard Deviation Parameter ph σα Normalized Standard Deviation Curve [-]. I dedicate this to my friends, family and loved ones

Stellar Photometry
Photon Flux and the Spectral Irradiance of the Sun and Vega
Stellar Magnitudes
ST-16 Star Tracker
Attenuation Targets
Stray Light Model and the Target Starlight Model
Star Detection Threshold, False Detection Probability, and False Detection Rates
Stray Light Testing
Radiative Properties
Chapter 3. Analysis Strategies
The SAIL Test Facility
Lens Characterization
Stray light Measurements of the ST-16
Lens Attenuation curve of the ST-16
ST-16 Lens Attenuation Analysis
Ray Tracing
Zemax Stray Light Experiment
Global Settings
Baffle Model
Source Model
Lens Response Model
Angle Max
Speeding Up the Simulation
Baffle Attenuation Verification
Dedicated Laboratory Verification
Orbital Verification
Determining Exclusion Angles
Chapter 5. Baffle Design Applications
Baffle Comparisons
Stray Light Path Analysis
Summary and Future Work
Future Work
Closing Remarks
A-1 Lens Coating File
!Notes !
A-5 Short Rigid Baffle Drawings
Full Text
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