
Cyperus megapotamicus(A. Spreng.) Kunth is a nomenclatural synonym ofRhynchospora megapotamica(A. Spreng.) H. Pfeiff. but was originally misapplied to a species ofCyperus. Contrary to the rules, both species names are in current use in different genera. We here clarify the perpetuated taxonomic and nomenclatural confusion regarding the identity ofC. megapotamicussensu Kunth and related names and conclude thatCyperus jaeggiiBoeckeler is the correct name to be adopted. We provide an amended circumscription of this species, withCyperus mauryiKuntze andPycreus nematodesSchrad. ex C. B. Clarke as its newly proposed heterotypic synonyms. Additionally, lectotypes are designated for the namesScirpus megapotamicusA. Spreng.,Rhynchospora maculataMaury,Rhynchospora luzuliformisvar.elongataKuntze,Rhynchospora luzuliformisvar.subcapitataKuntze,Cyperus jaeggii,Cyperus mauryiandPycreus nematodes.


  • According to Goetghebeur (1998), Cyperus Linnaeus (1753: 44) belongs in subfamily Cyperoideae, tribe Cypereae Dumortier (1829; as ‘Cyperineæ’)

  • Molecular studies reveal that Cypereae largely consist of two well-supported clades, the Ficinia clade (155 spp.) and the Cyperus clade (950 spp.), the latter encompassing a paraphyletic Cyperus s.str., the second largest genus in Cyperaceae, and about 13 segregate genera in the classification of Goetghebeur (1998) (Muasya et al 2002, 2009a, b, Simpson et al 2007, Huygh et al 2010, Larridon et al 2011, Reynders et al 2011)

  • In the present paper we provide a complete revision of these species names, their identities, nomenclature and typification, in order to disentangle the confusion maintained around Cyperus megapotamicus as described by Kunth (1837) and as determined by its nomenclatural type

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On the taxonomic identity and nomenclature of Cyperus megapotamicus (Cyperaceae). Spreng.) Kunth is a nomenclatural synonym of Rhynchospora megapotamica But was originally misapplied to a species of Cyperus. Both species names are in current use in different genera. We here clarify the perpetuated taxonomic and nomenclatural confusion regarding the identity of C. megapotamicus sensu Kunth and related names and conclude that Cyperus jaeggii Boeckeler is the correct name to be adopted. We provide an amended circumscription of this species, with Cyperus mauryi Kuntze and Pycreus nematodes Schrad. B. Clarke as its newly proposed heterotypic synonyms. Lectotypes are designated for the names Scirpus megapotamicus A. Spreng., Rhynchospora maculata Maury, Rhynchospora luzuliformis var. Subcapitata Kuntze, Cyperus jaeggii, Cyperus mauryi and Pycreus nematodes

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Taxonomic and nomenclatural treatment
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