
We show how to connect the syntactic and the functional correspondence for normalisers and abstract machines implementing hybrid (or layered) reduction strategies, that is, strategies that depend on subsidiary sub-strategies. Many fundamental strategies in the literature are hybrid, in particular, many full-reducing strategies, and many full-reducing and complete strategies that deliver a fully reduced result when it exists. If we follow the standard program-transformation steps the abstract machines obtained for hybrids after the syntactic correspondence cannot be refunctionalised, and the junction with the functional correspondence is severed. However, a solution is possible based on establishing the shape invariant of well-formed continuation stacks. We illustrate the problem and the solution with the derivation of substitution-based normalisers for normal order, a hybrid, full-reducing, and complete strategy of the pure lambda calculus. The machine we obtain is a substitution-based, eval/apply, open-terms version of Pierre Crégut's full-reducing Krivine machine KN.

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