
The operation of the modern accelerators has long been challenged with the problems associated with distributed vacuum profile and electron multipacting. Applying a Ti-Zr-V based non-evaporable getter (NEG) film provides an ideal solution to these problems, except that TiZrV thin film may deteriorate the wakefield effect because of the increased wall resistivity. To deal with the trade-offs between those effects, an innovative quaternary TiZrVCu NEG film was prepared using magnetron sputtering technique in the present study. Through comparative study on the activation behavior, secondary electron yields and the surface resistivity of the novel TiZrVCu getter film with that of the conventional TiZrV film, it is found that alloying Cu into the TiZrV film would encouragingly eliminate the secondary electron yield and the d.c. resistivity of the NEG films, with a minor deterioration on the activation kinetics. The present study provides insights for optimizing the composition of NEG films from the aspect of realizing synergy manipulation of the activation kinetics, SEY and d.c resistivity.

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