
Fix a smooth very ample curve C on a K3 or abelian surface X. Let $ \mathcal{M} $ denote the moduli space of pairs of the form (F, s), where F is a stable sheaf over X whose Hilbert polynomial coincides with that of the direct image, by the inclusion map of C in X, of a line bundle of degree d over C, and s is a nonzero section of F. Assume d to be sufficiently large such that F has a nonzero section. The pullback of the Mukai symplectic form on moduli spaces of stable sheaves over X is a holomorphic 2-form on $ \mathcal{M} $. On the other hand, $ \mathcal{M} $ has a map to a Hilbert scheme parametrizing 0-dimensional subschemes of X that sends (F, s) to the divisor, defined by s, on the curve defined by the support of F. We prove that the above 2-form on $ \mathcal{M} $ coincides with the pullback of the symplectic form on the Hilbert scheme.

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