
Throughout this paper we use the following notations. By Zp we denote the ring of p-adic rational integers, Q denotes the field of rational numbers, Qp denotes the field of p-adic rational numbers, C denotes the complex number field, and Cp denotes the completion of algebraic closure of Qp. Let νp be the normalized exponential valuation of Cp with |p|p = p−νp(p) = p−1. When one talks of q-extension, q is considered in many ways such as an indeterminate, a complex number q ∈ C, or p-adic number q ∈ Cp. If q ∈ C one normally assume that |q| < 1. If q ∈ Cp, we normally assume that |q − 1|p < p 1 p−1

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