
There are two branches in Prehistoric Geography, that is the branches of prehistoric environmentalism and prehistoric regional Geography. But until to-day the latter is not so studied, because the numbers of archaeological relics are unfathomable nature. I tryed some of the subdivisions in. Hokkaido and Kinki districts, and acquired some of the next conclusion. 1. In general, the prehistoric regional subdivisions are coincided with the modern regional subdivisions. But as in prehistoric time there were many unhabitable space-especially in plain area there are many marsh and lagoon and and estuary etc.-, we must take the another Criteria of regional subdivisions usually mountain ranges etc.. 2. In Hokkaido, the central lawlands were the marshy estuary in prehistoric time, so that the Criteria of great landform divisions is concidered this hindrance. In general, the density of prehistoric relics is most abundant in Kamikaw a Basins and Oshima Peninsula. In this district the climatic conditions are also the most important factors. 3. In general, Kinki districts is, the center of the western Japan in prehistoric times. Especially the relics of Yayoishiki-the agricultural cul ture-are most abundant and as the development of the alluvial lowlands, in this center region-Kinai Area-were already accomplished, so that the subdivisions are considered the alluvial basins as one unit. I divided the next 11 area: I. Northwest Area. a. Tajima basins. b. Harima coastal table-lands. c. Area drained by Yura river. d. Settu-Tamba plateau area. II. Middle Area. a. Awaji islands. b. Kinai lowlands. c. Omi basins. d. Ice coastal plains. III. Southern Area. a. Tectonic valley of the Kii river. b. Coastal lowland in southern Kii. c. Eastern coastal plains in Shinza-Kumanonada regions.

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