
The article presents a method of calculating of the lithospheric temperature dependence vs depth on the base of a-priori information of electrical resistivity change vs depth (based on the results of electromagnetic soundings), the composition of rocks at depth (based on geological assumptions) and with the use of laboratory data of electrical properties of dry rocks at high temperature. It is assumed that at a depth of more than 10–15 km, the resistivity of the lithosphere is mainly determined by the composition of the rocks and the effect of temperature. The solution of the problem is illustrated by the example of calculations performed for two types of geoelectrical section of the Fennoscandian shield - “normal” and “anomalous”. Information on geoelectrical sections was obtained from the results of electromagnetic soundings with industrial power lines (FENICS experiment). The deep geological structure of the lithosphere is assumed to be the same in “normal” and “anomalous” areas. The maximum temperature difference within these two areas was about 70 °C in the depth range of 30–60 km.

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