
The nearest neighbor condition implies that when searching for a mean-square optimal fixed-rate quantizer it is enough to consider the class of regular quantizers, i.e., quantizers having convex cells and codepoints which lie inside the associated cells. In contrast, quantizer regularity can preclude optimality in entropy-constrained quantization. This can be seen by exhibiting a simple discrete scalar source for which the mean-square optimal entropy-constrained scalar quantizer (ECSQ) has disconnected (and hence nonconvex) cells at certain rates. In this work, new results concerning the structure and existence of optimal ECSQs are presented. One main result shows that for continuous sources and distortion measures of the form d(x,y)=/spl rho/(|x-y|), where /spl rho/ is a nondecreasing convex function, any finite-level ECSQ can be "regularized" so that the resulting regular quantizer has the same entropy and equal or less distortion. Regarding the existence of optimal ECSQs, we prove that under rather general conditions there exists an "almost regular" optimal ECSQ for any entropy constraint. For the squared error distortion measure and sources with piecewise-monotone and continuous densities, the existence of a regular optimal ECSQ is shown.

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