
A binary relation R is a collection of ordered pairs (x,y). The relation R of international disdain is defined operationally by means of the joking relationship which occurs frequently among primitive tribes studied by anthropologists (1). For example the ordered pair (USA, Poland) is in R since i n America, one frequently hears the derogatory joke, Q1: How many Poles does it cake ro change a light bulb? A l : Three. One holds the light bulb and the other two lift him by the legs and walk round and round. During a visit to Poland, one may hear the identical response to the modified question in which Poles are replaced by policemen. In England, the replacement is Irishmen; in France, Belgians; in Germany, Prussians; in Canada, Newfier (meaning people from Newfoundland, and these people also tell Newfie jokes as verified by the first author during extensive field work to gather reliable data). This relation can be modeled by a directed graph ( 4 ) , just as the story of Mozart's opera 'Cosi fan Tutte' was structured by Harary ( 2 ) ; additional examples are given by Harary ( 3 ) . Four other variations of this joke follow: 4 2 HOW many Californians are needed to change a light bulb? A2 Elcven. One actually changes che bulb and the other ten share the experience. Q3. How many psychiatrists, etc.? A3: Jusr one, but the bulb must really want to be changed.

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