
GGHN is an RC4-like stream cipher designed to make use of today’s common 32-bit processors. It is 3–5 times faster than RC4. According to its designers, one of the sources of GGHN’s high security is the large size of its secret internal state, which totals 8240 bits. In this paper we show that if an attacker can obtain 2064 specific bits of this internal state, then the attacker can deduce the remaining state bits with limited computation, effectively reducing the secret internal state size by approximately a factor of 4. We then present a fault analysis attack that allows the cryptanalyst to obtain these critical 2064 bits. The whole procedure effectively breaks GGHN using 257×255 induced faults, 2 keystream words for each of these faults, around 257 non-faulted keystream words and negligible computational time.

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