
The goal of network clustering algorithms is to assign each node in a network to one of several mutually exclusive groups based upon the observed edge set. Of the network clustering algorithms widely available, most make the effort to maximize the modularity metric. Although modularity is an intuitive and effective means to cluster networks, it provides no direct basis for quantifying the statistical significance of the detected clusters. In this paper, we consider undirected networks and propose a new objective function to maximize over the space of possible group membership assignments. This new objective function lends naturally to the use of information criterion (e.g., Akaike or Bayesian) for determining the “best” number of groups, as well as to the development of a likelihood ratio test for determining if the clusters detected provide significant new information. The proposed method is demonstrated using two real-world networks. Additionally, using Monte Carlo simulation, we compare the performances of the proposed clustering framework relative to that achieved by maximizing the modularity objective when applied to LFR benchmark graphs.

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