
Introduction. The information policy in the field of education has updated the issue of accounting, processing and use of data contained in open educational environments. Assessment information becomes separate the objects themselves and of the internal system of education quality assessment (hereinafter – IEQAS) begin to be a factor changing the environment and transfer of state orders in educational purpose of the school. Materials and methods. A review of foreign and domestic sources on the problems of data-based quality assessment is undertaken. Developed and tested a questionnaire to identify the factors of updating of current practices IEQAS. The sample of respondents was 228 people. The sample included heads and deputy heads of schools from 34 general education organizations (schools). The sample consists of 12 regions of the Russian Federation. Most of the respondents were interviewed remotely, using the technical capabilities of the website of the autonomous non-profit association "Association of Heads of Educational Organizations". Results. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the substantiation of the actual components of the WSSCO and their interrelation in the process of data-based management. It is proved that the design and organizational culture of IEQAS acts as a resource for working with data. The current state of internal systems for assessing the quality of education in Russian schools can be characterized as progressive, overcoming the inertia of mass declarative control of the quality of education and implementing the idea of data-based management. Discussion. Special approaches to their organization are required in order for the WSSS to function in the designated direction. There should be a transition from mass declarative quality control of education to quality management, taking into account the uniqueness of the school infrastructure and the characteristics of the student body. The prospects are related to the subordination of the IEQAS to the humanitarian methodology, in which the nature of the data is related to the personal trajectories of education.

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