
We have derived and analyzed the dispersion equation for capillary waves with an arbitrary symmetry (with arbitrary azimuthal numbers) on the surface of a space-charged cylindrical jet of an ideal incompressible dielectric liquid moving relative to an ideal incompressible dielectric medium. It has been proved that the existence of a tangential jump of the velocity field on the jet surface leads to a periodic Kelvin–Helmholtz- type instability at the interface between the media and plays a destabilizing role. The wavenumber ranges of unstable waves and the instability increments depend on the squared velocity of the relative motion and increase with the velocity. With increasing volume charge density, the critical value of the velocity for the emergence of instability decreases. The reduction of the permittivity of the liquid in the jet or an increase in the permittivity of the medium narrows the regions of instability and leads to an increase in the increments. The wavenumber of the most unstable wave increases in accordance with a power law upon an increase in the volume charge density and velocity of the jet. The variations in the permittivities of the jet and the medium produce opposite effects on the wavenumber of the most unstable wave.

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