
I HAVE a great respect for Dr. Watts's spectroscopic work, nevertheless the experiments he has described in NATURE, vol. xxiii. p. 197, appear to me singularly inconclusive for the purpose for which he has adduced them. How could any one expect to get a tube of gas free from hydrocarbons when the joints were of india-rubber and melted paraffin? I have long since found it necessary to forego rubber joints if I would exclude hydrogen. Salet has shown that the hydrocarbons from the blowpipe-flame used in sealing in wires, &c., and the last traces of dust, can only be removed from tubes by burning them out ia a current of oxygen. But more than this, I have found that even with joints all made by fusion of the glass it was well nigh impossible to get rid entirely of hydrogen. Mr. Crookes has, I believe, found that the last traces of moisture adhering to glass can only be expelled by heating to the softening point of the glass. This tallies with my own experience. In a series of experiments on the ultra-violet water spectrum I had occasion to photograph the spectra of sparks in sundry gases wet and dry, and found that in gases which had been passed through a tube full of phosphoric anhydride the water-spectrum still appeared strongly. Even when the gas had been passed very slowly through two tubes each half a meter long filled with calcium chloride, and then through a similar tube full of phosphoric anhydride, and the part of the tube where the wires were sealed had been heated strongly for a long time, while the current of gas was passing, traces of the water spectrum still often appeared. But Dr. Watts did not see the hydrogen lines in his tube. My difficulty has always been to avoid seeing them when the pressure of the gas was sufficiently reduced and a large condenser used with the induction coil. True: tubes of gas may not always show them even when hydrogen is known to be present. The spark takes a selected course of its own, and does not always light up all that is in the tube. Carbonic oxide does not generally show oxygen lines, and in tubes exhausted by a Sprengel pump the lines of mercury do not usually appear until the pumping has been carried far. A real test would be to see whether when the spark gives the line-spectrum of carbon the hydrogen lines do not also appear. The experiment with naph-thaline Prof. Dewar and I have repeated and discussed else where, so I will say no more on it than this, that purity in regard to chemicals is a relative rather than an absolute quality, and that it is only from a long series of experiments chosen with a view to eliminate the effects of accidents of all kinds that any safe induction in this kind of spectroscopy can be reached.

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