
In this work, we study the Sobolev stability of shear flows near Couette in the 2D incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations with background magnetic field $(\alpha,0 )^\top$ on $\mathbb {T}\times \mathbb {R}$ . More precisely, for sufficiently large $\alpha$ , we show that when the initial datum of the shear flow satisfies $\left \| U(y)-y\right \|_{H^{N+6}}\ll 1$ , with $N>1$ , and the initial perturbations ${u}_{\mathrm {in}}$ and ${b}_{\mathrm {in}}$ satisfy $\left \| ( {u}_{\mathrm {in}},{b}_{\mathrm {in}}) \right \| _{H^{N+1}}=\epsilon \ll \nu ^{\frac 56+\tilde \delta }$ for any fixed $\tilde \delta >0$ , then the solution of the 2D MHD equations remains $\nu ^{-(\frac {1}{3}+\frac {\tilde \delta }{2})}\epsilon$ -close to $( e^{\nu t \partial _{yy}}U(y),0)^\top$ for all $t>0$ .

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