
Information about Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. has been growing in the Peter the Great Botanical Garden of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg since 1939. It reached 6.2 m in height at the age of 82. It is considered the most winter-hardy, characterized by long flowering and high decorative effect. The first flowering was noted in 1942, for a long time the plants only bloomed without tying the fruit. After the hot summer of 2010, fruits were first formed and self-seeding appeared in 2011-2012. This is a unique fact for such northern latitudes. The species can be recommended for landscaping and promote its culture further north. In the context of climate change and its warming at the beginning of the XXI century, constant monitoring and continuous phenological observations of Tamarix ramosissima are important.

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