
In the past few years, algebraic attacks against stream ciphers with linear feedback function have been significantly improved. As a response to the new attacks, the notion of algebraic immunity of a Boolean function f was introduced, defined as the minimum degree of the annihilators of f and f + 1. An annihilator of f is a nonzero Boolean function g, such that fg = 0. There is an increasing interest in construction of Boolean functions that possess optimal algebraic immunity, combined with other characteristics, like balancedness, high nonlinearity, and high algebraic degree. In this paper, we investigate a recently proposed infinite class of balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, optimum algebraic degree and much better nonlinearity than all the previously introduced classes of Boolean functions with maximal algebraic immunity. More precisely, we study the resistance of the functions against one of the new algebraic attacks, namely the fast algebraic attacks (FAAs). Using the special characteristics of the family members, we introduce an efficient method for the evaluation of their behavior against these attacks. The new algorithm is based on the well studied Berlekamp---Massey algorithm.

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